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  • iwortman2022

Boston’s The T Subway

The T is what a species of rather rough around the edges human called Bostonian refer to as their subway system. This entry is split into two sections based on the type of reader. If you are a crackhead, feel free to skip ahead to the "Crackhead" section. If you are not a crackhead, your section is just below:

Non Crackhead:

One might expect the biggest hurdle to a first time rider of The T to be your younger brother. At every step of the process, your younger brother will tell you the way you are purchasing tickets is incorrect, or that you're waiting to get on the wrong train. Have faith in yourself, and the clear signage.

Be sure to look down on the escalators, as the bird poop trampled into the grooves is marvelous as it will both never be removed, and will never be seen again as it will be covered with a new layer of bird poop post haste.

For the weak of soul and heart, seats are provided on the train. For those with any dignity at all you will subway surf your way to glory. Be ware that even if a destination looks close to a subway stop on the map, The T only brings you to the general direction of any such place.


The T is a vast and wonderful amusement ride for the drug fueled adventurer. NPCs or Non-Player Characters gather in masses here to ride THE BEAST only to interact with you. Try out different diversions with different NPCs to see if you can get them to look up from the floor, or down from the ceiling. If you are able to catch the gaze of such an entity, feel free to direct any matter of slur or threat that you feel is appropriate based on the room. The T is not intended for travel, its intention is purely carnel in nature.

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